For skin that looks younger and healthier

Het Obagi Nu-Derm® Systeem

As your skin ages and under the influence of daily life (such as sun, tension, pollution), the cell division of the skin slows down. This means that the new cells need longer to reach the surface and that old cells stay on the surface longer.

You will begin to notice the unwelcome signs of aging in the form of fine lines and wrinkles, freckles and age spots, uneven skin tones, loss of elasticity and dehydration of your skin.

Obagi Nu-Derm Transformation System:


  • Starter set normal to oily skin
  • Starter set normal to dry skin


Frequentie? Hoe lang en hoe vaak

The Microdermabrasion treatment lasts approximately. Forty-five minutes. The treatment of wrinkles and maternity folds (Stretch marks) may take longer. Depending on the skin situation, in order to get a good result, at least 5 treatments with an interval of 1-2 weeks are necessary. To maintain a good skin condition, it is recommended to have an aftertreatment for three to six months.

After the first treatment, the skin feels as if you have taken a walk on the beach in high winds. In addition, the skin can turn light red. This situation lasts 1-2 days. After several treatments, the skin will recover more quickly. Once the skin is regenerated, the treatment can be repeated.


The Obagi Nu-Derm System offers a full, convenient protocol for treatment at home. Your doctor will put together a personal protocol of dosage, frequency and treatment purposes for your skin.


What can you expect?
The Obagi Blue Peel treatment lasts less than an hour and does not in itself require anesthesia. The Obagi Blue Peel is applied to your face and evt. Neck. You may get a very light burning sensation, which normally lasts only a few minutes. After that, your skin may get a blue glow, which normally passes within 12 to 24 hours. You will be advised in the number of peels required to achieve the result you want.

Depending on the strength and depth of treatment, you may experience a slight swelling. Within two to three days your skin will begin to peel. This will last for the next few days. In the seventh to tenth day, your skin should be healed. The 'downtime' depends on the depth of your Obagi Blue Peel.

When your skin is fully recovered and ready to peel, you will see a visible improvement in your skin structure. Your skin will continue to improve over the next four to six weeks and will look even firmer, purer, softer, healthier and younger. Continue after your Obagi Blue Peel and after your skin has fully recovered, follow your protocol with the Nu-Derm System as you started.

WARNINGS: Treatment for and use of TCA can only be done by a doctor, or when permitted by law, by a trained specialist under the supervision of a doctor. Good medical knowledge is essential for treating with TCA peeling. The attending physician is responsible for informing the patient of possible medical risks and complications.

Prijzen van Obagi Nu-Derm® Systeem

An Obagi Nu-Derm® System treatment can start at €458,-.

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