Over Dr. Elly

“I enjoy offering treatments that increase my clients’ self-confidence. It is my passion and a privilege.”

Dr. Elly is a BIG-registered doctor and certified member of the NVCG (Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine). She is a KNMG cosmetic doctor.

She trained as a doctor at the University of Groningen (UMCG) in the Academic Medical Center. During her studies she became interested in cosmetic medicine. After graduating as a doctor, she further specialized in cosmetic medicine.

“Your Own Beauty at it’s Best”

‘Dr. Elly’

Affiliated with the NVCG

The NVCG aims to promote and safeguard the quality and emancipation of cosmetic medicine by promoting knowledge and skills in cosmetic medicine, promoting training and further education of those working in cosmetic medicine. medical practice as well as representing the social interests of its members.

The NVCG supports cosmetic doctors and offers objective information to people who are considering cosmetic treatment. The doctors of the NVCG aim to enable as many people as possible to look more beautiful, younger and healthier, in a way that suits them.

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For a naturally beautiful face

With the use of fillers, fillers on MD Codes™️, Botulinum toxin and Profhilo you will regain the appearance that meets your wishes. We can combat volume loss by understanding the aging process so that you age beautifully and naturally. You can also perfect your look. We aim for a natural result!


Meer over Injectables
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Laser for a beautiful skin

You can contact us for laser hair removal and skin rejuvination! We can also treat various skin problems such as pigment spots, acne and rosacea. This way you get the skin you are happy with.
Meer over Laser

De cosmetische kliniek Natural Beauty Kliniek biedt u voorafgaand aan de behandeling vrijblijvend en kosteloos een consult. Er wordt dan gekeken of er geen medische bezwaren zijn tegen een behandeling, de probleemgebieden worden in kaart gebracht en u krijgt een persoonlijk, geheel op uw situatie toegesneden advies.


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